Finance & benchmarking

We offer a comprehensive administrative, fiduciary and book keeping service as a component of our management services. We also provide these services on a standalone basis to other investors and absentee farm owners located throughout the world from Australia, the UK and Europe to Asia and the Middle East, proving that distance is no obstacle.

Our staff are skilled with the two dominant rural accountancy and book keeping programs used in Australia, Agrimaster and QuickBooks. We are also able to support MYOB, Cash Flow Manager and other programs. Through our Australian subsidiary, we are fully compliant as BAS agents and registered with the Tax Practitioners Board, enabling us to prepare and lodge GST documentation on behalf of clients.

We have access to a wealth of management data from our own operations and our close alliances with agricultural management consultants, lenders and other rural professionals. Collectively this includes detailed performance benchmarking data from hundreds of farms in the regions in which we operate.

This benchmarking data is updated seasonally and covers a range of cropping and livestock only / mixed cropping and livestock enterprises across a representative range of soil types and climate zones. This allows us to perform accurate and reliable forecasting, enterprise planning and performance measurement in areas such as operating costs, capital expenditure, productivity, operating margin, return on capital and a range of other parameters.

We offer clients a choice of reporting intensity, with performance benchmarking and reporting of reconciled financial statements being offered on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual basis, dependent upon client requirements.

Services for Investors

Consortium Land possesses the experience, knowledge and resources to provide the full spectrum of farm investment and management services from initial consultancy, planning and due diligence through to acquisition, operation and disposal.

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Services to farmers

Consortium Land is always mindful of ensuring that no conflict of interest arises between our investor clients and the farmers from whom we acquire land on their behalf, or to whom we lease properties. As such, Consortium Land does not provide services directly to farmers.

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